Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Week 3

Weight: 296.8
Change from last week: 2.4
Total Weight Lost: 13

I was VERY tired today. I barely work up in time to run out the door in time for my trainer appointment. My workout was long but I made it through. All through the day I was tired and grouchy. I hope tomorrow goes better than today.

I bought more of the Orange/Pineapple/Guava and Kiwi/Orange/Lime shakes. These seem to the the most tolerable of the flavors available. Chicken, Vanilla, and chocolate are definitely off the list.

Workout today wasn't bad. I got to work late, though.

Dietician: We added some dairy this week: one serving of yogurt each day. This should be fun. It feels like I am stuffing myself each day with all the veggies and meat I have to eat. Adding yogurt should give me more variety.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Week 2

Weight: 299.2
Change from last week: 10.6
Total Weight Lost: 10.6

Today's workout went pretty well. We did the same workout that we did on Friday with very little variation. It seemed to be a little easier and go a lot faster. I purchased the two Orange shake flavors at the Pro Club and they are much better than the Vanilla. I'll never by that Vanilla flavor again. The Chocolate sample wasn't that good either.

I missed my workout today due to a flub on my part: I got to the gym and realized I forgot my shorts. Without enough time to go get some and get home at a reasonable hour I just went home for the night.

Dietician: I got my diet today: Veggies! I get to add vegetables, and just about all of them that I can eat.

I think I over did it during my workout this morning. On the last segment of cardio, I looked down after 10 minutes and realized that I was going really fast on the elliptical trainer. I made it through the end of the program, but I was huffing and puffing.

Nothing new to report. My workout was boring.

Workout session today was pretty harsh. I hope I'm not sure tomorrow.

I had lots of work to do in my garage today and didn't have too much trouble doing it.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Week 1

Beginning Weight: 309.8

Monday - I started this week out with a brief 30 minute workout on my own. I start my "official" training sessions on Wednesday. I purchased my heart rate monitor, the Polar A5.

Tuesday - I didn't have time to workout in the morning due to work obligations. I met with my dietitian for the first time. My nickname for her is "The Hammer" because today she really let down the hammer. My new diet, starting tomorrow, is a combinations of specially formulated shakes, proteins, and fats for a total of 1300-1600 calories per day. I used to eat that for LUNCH each day when I was in college.

I met with Jen, my new personal trainer. She is really cool, but my new nickname for her is the "enforcer."
Workout: My first workout was this morning-
1. 15 minutes on a recumbent bike while I watched a video about the 20/20 plan overview.
2. 20 minutes on an elliptical trainer with handlebars for upper body work as well.
3. 20 minutes on a different elliptical trainer (no handlebars) with a little different leg movement.
4. 15 minutes of abs work followed by stretching.
Overall the exercise program wasn't bad at all. I'm sure this was a light workout to start out with.

Support Group: The group I meet with is 11 men at various stages of the program, 0-5 weeks. I was surprised to see that 5 out of the 11 men had twins, just like me. It almost became a gag as we continued introducing ourselves.

Workout: Today's workout wasn't that great. I did a total of 30 minutes of bike/elliptical. My abs were really burning.

I went all day without taking a Zantac (acid reflux med), but I still took one at night. I was really tempted to snack after 8 pm.

Workout: Wow, Jen really worked me today. After doing 15 minutes of bike, 20 minutes of treadmill, and 20 minutes of elliptical trainer, we did a wide range of weight machines followed by more crunches and stretching. I hope I'm not sore tomorrow (lots to do).

These protein shakes are getting old fast. I need to find some spices to get rid of that weird flavor. Strawberry is the best so far, although I can't say I have a favorite (they all stink). I have to do something about the taste if I plan to do this for another 26 weeks.

I was pretty sore this weekend, but did some stretching and worked it out. These vanilla shakes are gross. Vanilla is now OFF my shake flavor list. When I buy more on Monday I'll get the orange flavors, which seemed the best in the sample pack they gave me.

I bought a food scale on Saturday night and was pleasantly surprised that I was underestimating the size of a 6 oz serving of fish and chicken by nearly 50%. We'll see how this affects my appetite.