Sunday, February 20, 2005

Week 2

Weight: 299.2
Change from last week: 10.6
Total Weight Lost: 10.6

Today's workout went pretty well. We did the same workout that we did on Friday with very little variation. It seemed to be a little easier and go a lot faster. I purchased the two Orange shake flavors at the Pro Club and they are much better than the Vanilla. I'll never by that Vanilla flavor again. The Chocolate sample wasn't that good either.

I missed my workout today due to a flub on my part: I got to the gym and realized I forgot my shorts. Without enough time to go get some and get home at a reasonable hour I just went home for the night.

Dietician: I got my diet today: Veggies! I get to add vegetables, and just about all of them that I can eat.

I think I over did it during my workout this morning. On the last segment of cardio, I looked down after 10 minutes and realized that I was going really fast on the elliptical trainer. I made it through the end of the program, but I was huffing and puffing.

Nothing new to report. My workout was boring.

Workout session today was pretty harsh. I hope I'm not sure tomorrow.

I had lots of work to do in my garage today and didn't have too much trouble doing it.


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