Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Week 3

Weight: 296.8
Change from last week: 2.4
Total Weight Lost: 13

I was VERY tired today. I barely work up in time to run out the door in time for my trainer appointment. My workout was long but I made it through. All through the day I was tired and grouchy. I hope tomorrow goes better than today.

I bought more of the Orange/Pineapple/Guava and Kiwi/Orange/Lime shakes. These seem to the the most tolerable of the flavors available. Chicken, Vanilla, and chocolate are definitely off the list.

Workout today wasn't bad. I got to work late, though.

Dietician: We added some dairy this week: one serving of yogurt each day. This should be fun. It feels like I am stuffing myself each day with all the veggies and meat I have to eat. Adding yogurt should give me more variety.


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